17 March, 2007

Two days in Delhi

Just got back yesterday from the shortest trip ever. It was 7,5 hours of flying (thought it was closer to 5 hours) and I only spent 48 hours in Delhi. It was intensive, also because I wanted to get the most out of it, I mean...how often do I go to India right? (last time was about 9 years ago)

Business wise I was there to give some training, meet up with some people, check out some stores. After that, I hired a car for a day and drove all around Delhi. It was fantastic, I was almost thinking, why didn't I do this before? I remember, when I was there backpacking in 99, my friend and I loved India, but boy it was tough traveling as two girls (one tall blond Dutch lady and me). Always having to haggle for a normal price, finding a person that spoke English, etc. etc. It was like Xiang Yang market but then times 20.

My driver was very skillful in dodging the cars, tuktuks, (motor) bikes, trucks, dogs and cows. (even fighting bulls) He actually installed an extra set of horns to sound like a big truck, so that the cars in front of him will make way, and then discover that our car was only a mini. :-)
But eh, it was a safe way of driving.

What I forgot about my last visit to India, was that I have trouble reading their body language. I was so confused during my discussions with the driver, training the shoppers, and asking people if I'd take their pictures. Yes or no, they always seemed to have the same way of saying it. I just haven't been able to figure it out yet :-)

Here are some of the pictures:
Shortest trip ever to Delhi

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