12 April, 2007

Opening H & M

It's quite interesting...I am 'allowed' to post my messages on my blog, but unfortunately I can't open my own blog here in China. Hope you will be able to read my scribbles on my daily life in Shanghai :-)

Yesterday I went to the official grand opening of the very first store of H & M in (mainland) China (they opened a Hong Kong store last month) of course having a Swedish boyfriend working in the press helped me to also get into the spectacle. I mean....Kylie would be there! (...) And O didn't feel like going by himself so what else to do than to say that he needed his regular 'freelance photographer' to join him going to the party. (right) On our way to the party site, we were sorting out our stories. "I am a freelance writer, but mostly shooting" "I am a freelance journalist, but I do mostly photography"
First question H & M asked was: "Did you bring your camera?" (I didn't) Oops... :-)

The party itself was great, super location, everything was well though to the little details and of course....Kylie Minogue was be there! I just remember when I was very little (7/8 years) and she was singing the song "especially for you" together with Jason Donovan. Hahaha, that has been my favorite song for awhile. (Yes, Kylie has been a star for a looooooong time) Not sure that anybody can remember that song, except for the regular Karaoke go-ers in China:-)

For the Dutchies - check out this article

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