28 May, 2007

Random conversations

Random Conversation 1
(while shaking hands)
A: "Hi, I am Sander"
Me: "Nice to meet you Sander, I'm Kaying. Ben jij toevallig Nederlands? [translated: Are you by any chance Dutch?]
A: "Wow, so are you Dutch?"
Me: "Ja, ik kom van Nederland." [translated: Yes, I am from The Netherlands]
A: "So, you speak Dutch then?"
Me: "Uh ja, ik ben geboren en getogen in Nederland." [translated: Eh, yes, I am born and raised in the Netherlands]

Random Conversation 2
(while introducing himself to the hosts of the party - that would be us)
A: "So where's the birthday girl?"
B: "Ah you are Dutch aren't you? Actually my girlfriend is also Dutch."
A: "Oh really? You mean Dutch Dutch or Dutch Chinese?"

Random Conversation 3
(while discussing a Football match: the Netherlands - China)
A: "So who will you cheer for?"
Me: "Difficult, but I guess easiest would be for the winner." ;-)
A: "Hey but you are Dutch right?"
Me: "Yes, but I also have some Chinese culture in me."
A: "Ok, but do you have a Dutch passport?"
Me: "Yes, I do"
A: "Well, then you are Dutch."

Random Conversation 4
(while discussing the competitive government trainee program that I entered in 2003 with fellow (Dutch-caucasian) trainees- only 100 applicants (out of 4000+) will be selected.
A: "Good to see you here, so what score did you get?
Me: "Same here, my score was average, and I am so lucky to be invited to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs"
A: "Yes definitely, only five of them will go there this year. I wonder how they have set up the whole program. It doesn't seem to make any sense, I wonder if they also had to take into consideration on the percentages of minority groups."

The most frustrating part for me is that most of these people don't even realize what they are saying when they are saying it.


Unknown said...

I realize what I'm saying... "pure bloods" and then the rest.. what's not to get??

PS I also used to call the "pure bloods"... horses...because they were so big.. That only lasted for a short while until one of the Dutch ladies heard me..and lets just say..I wasn't left with much of a choice, but to stop ;-)

Kaying said...

Well if you put it that way...the Horses and the elegant rest...I have no problem :-P